

It’s not that pagans don’t believe in the devil, it’s just that we don’t call him that.The Horned God goes by many names : Cernnunos, Pan, Herne … and he does not represent evil, but the masculine element in nature. As the hunter he takes life, but he also gives life.

“The horned god of the Celts is Cernunnos. The image of Cernunnos appears on the Gundestrup Cauldron where the horned god, an antlered man seated in a cross-legged pose, holds a ram-headed snake, and wear two torcs. The god’s name is found only once in the archaeological record, on a stone frieze of an elderly man with antlers and torcs.
Cernunnos is Lord of the Animals, and, in Celtic lore, is the master of the Wild Hunt. He has associations with prosperity and fertility. An important characteristic of Celtic myth and legend is zoomorphism, the transmogrification of humans to animals and animals to humans. Since zoomorphism is also linked to shamanism, it strengthens the connection between the central European origins of the Celts and the plains tribes of the Russian steppes, where shamanism first sprang up.
Cernunnos, banned by the Roman Catholic church, also often has hooves. The hooves and antlers of Cernunnos became conflated with the satyr quality of Pan, the Greek nature god, and also condemned by the Church.
The result? The Devil.
Another important characteristic of Celtic faith is the intimate link between nature and human consciousness. Zoomorphism is, in this regard, simply an example thereof. The Celts connected to nature in a way now lost to ordinary understanding, perhaps in a way understood only in a mystical frame, yet it was not the exceptional person, the occasional mystic, who had this seamless link to nature; it was every member of the tribe. ”

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